My Process

Here is the notes, graph’s, videos, chats, interviews, light bulb ideas, outlines and this and that’s in the entire process of my Portfolio, Mentorship and CAS.

Mission Satement:

Outline for my Year in Study

I. Extra Violin Lessons from a Master Teacher

a) This is no ordinary teacher mind you. This is a master level teacher who teaches students at college level. This is not any college. This is my very first choice college. The Eastman School of Music. This is really what based my Portfolio idea is that I wanted to put forward steps now that would eventually lead me to being applicable for the college I really have always wanted to attend.

b) The lessons are not only very important to me as a student but these are so important since it esablishes a connection to my 1st choice college. Gets a foot (or should I say bow hand) in the door. This is important to establish a connection with a teacher from one of my top choice colleges since it may allow me to have recommendations, familiarity with the teachers, show my style and myself and secure a top rated teacher.

c) Gives my form, performance habits and sale another pair of eyes besides my regular violin teacher. She has missed some things and I would of never known this without the expert coaching of Yoojin. Already the new teacher has drastically helped me to understand the physical bad habits that could even prevent me from long term performing. My core and how I told this from my abdomen instead of tightening my hold and body in an improper posture was quickly noticed and now we are trying to work hard to re-train my body to hold the violin from my core and not my frame.

II. Theory: Theory in Music classes from Prepatory School at NEC to help in understanding the music pieces performed as well as the basics of what music principles are. ie.e. mathematically counting notes on a page.

a) important coursework and knowledge base to have when seriously going a professional music degree.

b) Master degree level student highly recommended Theory classes throughout high school to be more desirable candidate for Eastman or like college.

c) Give me a more rounded education my my instrument.

III. Alexandra Technique (yoga) : A way of holding your body at your core instead of straining muscles that are repeatedly used.

a) The Alexander Technique is vital for all Violinists who wish to play violin professionally. Playing professionally means being in the same position for a certain amount of time every single day and using the same muscles over and over again.

b) It is a very new and exciting practice for violinists to help with their posture and health.

c) The Alexander technique is a way to train your muscles and movements to work more efficiently.

d) As a violinist, I am constantly tormented by pain in my back. Learning the Alexander Technique could turn that around completely and allow me to play without learning bad haunts along with that.

IV. Violin Teaching: The Art of Becoming A Violin Teacher. An Introspective look at what I want and don’t want when I become a violin teacher myself.

a) What I want to be and do as a teacher and why.

b) What I don’t want to be and do as a teacher and why.

c) How this knowledge helps me now in my music.

d) what I have to take or major in to become a violin teacher.

V. German: This language is important to me since it allows me to become more familiar with the composers I have played for so many years and to learn the culture and language of so many greats like Bach, Beethoven and Brahms to name just a few.

a) I found out from the colleges my mom and I called that it is very important to take German (or French or Italian) in order to make myself more desirable to be accepted into the Colleges of my choice for music. The reason for this is because these are the nationalities that made up the famous composers that all violinists have to become really familiar with and know very well. Some words are either in Italian or German but I should only be concentrating on these languages if I want to be successful and have the right coursework before applying to college.

b) I absolutely love the language. I really love German. It is one of my favorite classes each week and I love practicing it daily. I find that I am not really good at a language unless I love it. So I am very excited that German will be with me now for the rest of my life. I am very passionate about this language now.

c) Learning German is extremely important I the music world since so much of the violin’s heritage comes form that part of Europe.

d) Musical colleges require either French, German or Italian. I choose German. I love it!

e) I choose German because it seems to be the most influential and useful language. Most composers in the past where from Germany. One of my very favorite “Bach” is German.

VI. Finding My Full Size Violin : Finding the right violin that may stay with you for your entire professional career is no light matter

a)Finding the right full size violin for myself was very challenging at first but once you find the one that resonates with you, you’ll know it is the one and that is exactly what happened with mine.

b) When looking for and instrument there are important categories you should know and look for: Sound, Texture, Date (when the violin was made) Origin (my ended up being German - of course), fit and price

c) What type of Wood, Origin, and Price are top three questions one should know if looking for a life long violin.

VII. Orchestra: Orchestra is on Zoom but it is an important portion of being a violinist. If you cannot play with an organized Orchestra, you would not be able to call yourself a true violinist. It can take years to get really good at being a member of a great Orchestra like the Boston Symphony Orchestra. I hope someday to be at that level.

a) How to be the best Orchestra student and to raise the quality of participating so that I can advance into the next level next fall 2021.

b) The way an Orchestra Works

c) Interviewing Orchestra leaders and finding out why they love to be the conductor and what they look for in students. How they choose their pieces and when they know a student is ready for the next level

d) intrviewing a member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

e) What I do to prepare for my parts of the Orchestra. Samples

VIII. Auditions/Performing/Recitals/Placements : How do I prepare for performances that are to be judged or evaluated.

a) what are the techniques I have learned or need to add to my knowledge to get me ready for the auditioning and recitals that move me into the placements and eventually college I want to be in.

b) how do I choose a piece to perform

c) what things can help me with making my performance stand out

d)how many hours are put into one piece?

e) adding 3-4 new pieces to my repertoire and showing increase of quality in these to be performed for family members in June.

IX. Methods: What type of violin music and violin do I want to play.

a) research the different types of violin performing and methods

b) baraque vs. modern methods of playing

c) what is the differences and why is that important to know about as a violinist.

X. Composers: Who are the major composers I study

a) research and write about the major composers I have learned and study as a violinist.

b) who are my favorites and why

c) who do I think I would like to study and practice for my biggest auditions like one for getting a scholarship or into a college.