Getting Started Prompt From Supervisor.

 What is the CAS experience you will be doing?

For CAS I will be pursuing the “Alexander Technique”. It is an important exercise that has become increasingly popular especially for musicians and violinists. I plan to succeed in learning how to move efficiently and straighten my core. I have been experiencing back pain already, so imagine what that will turn into 50 years from now. The fact that I want to pursue violin professionally makes the Alexander Technique all the more crucial.

Which Strand will it qualify under? Creativity, Action or Service?

The Alexander Technique falls under Action because it’s quite physical and also includes yoga. If I learned enough about it and wanted to teach it, then the Alexander Technique would fall under Service as well.

There are Five Stages of CAS experience: Investigation, Preparation, Action, Reflection and Demonstration. You Are in the “Investigation” Stage of our experience.

For the next week you will investigate what you have chosen to do and document this through the reflection here.

Answer these questions to help you get started:

A. What would I need to know in order to be able to get started?

First I would thoroughly research the topic and then figure out the steps to how I can achieve my goals. (healing my muscles and spinal cord, using my body efficiently.) I know that is one of the largest factors in yoga as well.

B. Whom might be a partner or mentor if needed?

I have no time in my schedule for a teacher, so the idea is to teach myself. Of course, I can interview or chat with Alexander Technique experts at NEC and that would help me immensely.

C. What are the Potential areas for personal growth and development?

There are so many areas for growth and development. In my future years I can teach students the technique which would be a huge bonus. It is obviously also a personal growth for me in terms of healing my body and learning to use it differently.

D. Which learning objectives do you hope to achieve?

In the end, I hope too achieve learning and practicing the Alexander Technique through and through so I will never have to experience pain while playing the violin again.

  • identifying own strengths and developing areas for growth

  • demonstrates taht challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

  • show commitment and perseverance in the CAS experience.

E. Any Thoughts/Ideas/Concerns?

Not so Far.